About Mirrorscape

Mirrorscape Development Updates

Since our last update, our development team has been heads down on some critical foundational features that are necessary for the full ARcana launch. Also, with the influx of new beta users, we have received a ton of fantastic feedback which we are constantly incorporating into each new build. Here is what we've been working on since our last update:

Re-work of the Settings section to group things together better

  • We've got so many options the settings menu was getting overwhelming! We solved this by grouping together like settings by category. The settings page also remembers which tab you last used, so you can quickly get to those often used settings.

Inclusion of Outdoor Assets - TREES!

  • We brought a bit of green into our lives by including some quality wilderness tiles from Fat Dragon into the beta bundle to demo how you can create expanisve outdoor scenes.

Addition of automated testing to ensure we deliver a quality product

  • Moving fast in development can be great for getting out a lot of new features, but to ensure we don't break already completed features we've added a suite of automated tests that run every time we compile the app. This allows us to catch those pesky bugs before they reach you.

Foundational Development: We've also done a ton of foundational development for the following features which aren't visible yet but will be available soon:

  • We built out a new backend for the app to allow for Saving and Syncing maps across devices. Once deployed you will be able to rest assured that your maps are safe and secure even if your device happens to take a critical hit. You'll also have your maps available to you across all your devices.
  • We've started building out the In-App Store which will be the marketplace where you can obtain awesome new terrain, minis, maps, and more to flesh out your killer creations.
  • We're in the process of implementing Hero Forge integration which will allow you to bring character miniatures that you have created and purchased on their site into your ARcana games!
  • An exciting new feature for the new players is that we've built out the foundation for adding User Tutorials. This will guide new users on getting into the app easily and using various features.
  • Finally, we are very excited to have started the groundwork for Fog of War! This will allow GMs to slowly reveal the scene to their players as the story unfolds. As part of this we're also doing a lot of GM and Player quality of life improvements which help everyone stay more immersed in the game. We can't wait to show everyone the cool features we have coming down the pipe!

Until next time, keep those d20s out of those trees!

November Mirrorscape Development Updates
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

November Mirrorscape Development Updates

Our devs have been busy adding a bunch of new features to Mirrorscape, quashing bugs, and incorporating all the great feedback we're receiving
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Every Hero has an Origin Story!
About Mirrorscape
March 21, 2023

Every Hero has an Origin Story!

Mirrorscape was founded by technology pioneers, game developers, and filmmakers—all massive fans of Dungeons & Dragons.
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Mirrorscape Development Updates
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Mirrorscape Development Updates

We've been working hard to make the ARcana experience even better, and we've got some exciting updates to share with you!
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