About Mirrorscape

Mirrorscape Development Updates

The Early Access Beta release is almost here for those of you who were able to snag a spot during our Kickstarter! Look for those emails coming soon. If you aren't in the Beta group, don't fret, there will be more opportunities to get in on the action in the near future.

The development team has been knocking out feature after feature to ensure that the building process is simple, quick, and intuitive with Tile Asset Snapping that just feels good. And ARcana is no longer limited to just one level—we now have full support for Multi-Level Building with Level Reveal!

We've also been hard at work diligently expanding our collection of assets from our amazing partners including Dwarven Forge, Fat Dragon Games, Death Saves, Norse Foundry, and Reaper Minis. We now have over 80 high-quality models including terrain, props, miniatures, and dice!

Much more to come! Watch this space for future developments and check out the latest news, asset drops, participate in AMAs, and ask your questions on our very active Discord channel. Come join us!

Amazing Maps are Ready to Play
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Amazing Maps are Ready to Play

It's time to play! And if you are looking for a quick way to jump in, there is an amazing group of players who love building and sharing their maps!
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June Development Update
Development Update
July 20, 2023

June Development Update

We are working hard to build out bespoke solutions to some unique problems we've encountered and get a polished app in everyone's hands.
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Mirrorscape Joins the ORC Alliance!
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Mirrorscape Joins the ORC Alliance!

Mirrorscape, the maker of ARcana, has joined with 1500 other publishers large and small as part of the Open RPG Creative
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