About Mirrorscape

Mirrorscape Development Updates

Our devs have been tirelessly building out the rest of ARcana and incorporating all the great feedback we're receiving from our community of beta testers. We're currently working on new features and ease of use building improvements like:

  • Marquee selection so you can select multiple objects more easily.
  • The ability to drag and fill objects so you can easily fill large areas with floors or banks of walls.
  • Object scaling so you can dynamically size your minis.
  • A measurement tool that shows character and monster movement.
  • An advanced Asset Browser that allows you to more easily see and select from all your assets.
  • Integration of Hero Forge downloads so you can drop all your custom made characters.
  • 2D image map import so you can upload flat maps that you already own or to create negative space for 3D builds.
  • Saving to the cloud so that all your maps are available on all your devices.
  • Fog of War so players only see what their DM wants them to see.

To that end, we're going to need more time to finish these features and polish the app to give everyone the finest experience possible. So we will be pushing the main app's October release date to Q1 2023. These extra months will allow us to deliver a buttery smooth experience for everyone.

HOWEVER... we'll be expanding the Early Access pool to EVERYONE WHO BACKED THE KICKSTARTER so you'll be able to join in on the fun before the official release and provide your feedback as we enter the home stretch. So look for those announcements in the coming weeks.

As always, please join our Discord to stay the most up-to-date with what's happening with ARcana and participate in what has already grown to be an amazing community!

Introducing ARcana: A better shared player tabletop gaming experience
About Mirrorscape
March 21, 2023

Introducing ARcana: A better shared player tabletop gaming experience

We're building a fully 3D immersive experience unlocking the magic of AR. You can build maps with painted terrain, assemble your party, move your mini
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November Mirrorscape Development Updates
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

November Mirrorscape Development Updates

Our devs have been busy adding a bunch of new features to Mirrorscape, quashing bugs, and incorporating all the great feedback we're receiving
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Mirrorscape Development Updates
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Mirrorscape Development Updates

The Early Access Beta release is almost here for those of you who were able to snag a spot during our Kickstarter! Look for those emails coming soon.
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