About Mirrorscape

Every Hero has an Origin Story!

Mirrorscape was founded by technology pioneers, game developers, and filmmakers—all massive fans of Dungeons & Dragons. The original idea sprang from the mind of Grant Anderson, our fearless leader, co-founder of Mirrorscape, and expert practitioner of the dark immersive arts. He was seeking a way to give his D&D group an authentic tabletop experience while harnessing the full power of digital technology. Gathering other trusty adventurers frustrated by the available web-based platforms and their inability to replicate the magic of the in-person roleplaying game experience, we have embarked on a quest to create the most intuitive and empowering RPG gaming platform the world has ever known unleashing the magic of augmented reality you already have on your phone or tablet! If that sounds like a mighty quest worth joining share this with a a friend!

Mirrorscape Development Updates
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Mirrorscape Development Updates

Our devs have been tirelessly building out the rest of ARcana and incorporating all the great feedback we're receiving from our community of beta test
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Special Backer Announcement!
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Special Backer Announcement!

We are happy to announce that we'll be opening up the Early Access Beta release of ARcana to everyone who backed us on Kickstarter!
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 Early Access Beta Updates
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Early Access Beta Updates

During this holiday season we were so excited to see so many of you jump into the beta and get started building and playing!
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