Development Update

July Development Update

It's a big day for our team and we're excited to soon offer you the Open Beta build allowing anyone to join you in the app for your next TTRPG adventure in authentic 3D or augmented reality. Here's a brief description of what you can anticipate in the new build:

  • Refreshed U/I: the Open Beta build comes with a new U/I and a click-thru tutorial to help you understand what each button does and to help you accomplish tasks you want to complete.
  • Updated Search functionality: easily find your friends by searching their first name, email or Username.
  • Mirrorscape Store:  in addition to your Library you'll want to explore the Store for the latest digital terrain and minis from our partners including Dwarven Forge, Fat Dragon Games and Reaper Minis.  You can filter the store presentation by manufactuerer, type (bundles, dice, minis, terrain), theme (dungeons, caverns, villages, etc.) or just put the name of an item in the search bar.
  • Mirrorscape in-game Currency:  Transactions in the Store will be completed using ARcoins, our in-game currency.  Currency bundles will be for sale using App Store and Google Play checkout, like you do with in-app purchases for other apps.
  • Free 30 Day Trial!  Yes, we will offer everyone 30 days free to try everything in the Store.  Build maps as big as your dreams or try our ready-to-play maps.  Choose any mini and see if it really embodies your character or  just run amuck with monsters and put them around every corner!  If you love an item you can buy it at any time during the trial, and at the end of the trial you will get a chance to buy everything you tried so you don't have to try and recreate your inventory post-trial.

Our journey to bring the table back to the virtual tabletop is not yet complete and in the weeks that follow we will work to finish up on Kickstarter Stretch goals including:

  • More Environmental FX in addition to wind, like snow and rain
  • Sound FX and Music
  • Spell FX
  • More Interactive Tiles in addition to the swinging doors, traps and adjustable torches you will find in the app
  • And, of course, the much anticipated PC conversion!

With new partner announcements coming around the corner we also expect to be adding new terrain and minis to play additional genres like SciFi, Wasteland, Hellscapes, etc.  

Thank you for your support and encouragement during this journey, especially the feedback on desired features and functionality you can give anytime at our Feedback site.

 Early Access Beta Updates
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Early Access Beta Updates

During this holiday season we were so excited to see so many of you jump into the beta and get started building and playing!
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Mirrorscape Development Updates
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Mirrorscape Development Updates

Since our last update, our development team has been heads down on some critical foundational features that are necessary for the full ARcana launch.
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Mirrorscape Development Updates
About Mirrorscape
April 5, 2023

Mirrorscape Development Updates

The Early Access Beta release is almost here for those of you who were able to snag a spot during our Kickstarter! Look for those emails coming soon.
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